Value Proposition
t-squared-i work with Leaders to ensure that the strategy on which they are focused can be achieved by the organization they lead
This means:-
- Being clear about the long term Goal - realistic but ambitious
- Establishing few clear Strategic Priorities – the route to achieving that Goal
- Engaging the people, without whom these priorities cannot be delivered
- Ensuring the reasons for any change are positively communicated
Strategy: from Design to Successful Delivery
'Something Must
be Done'
- Macro-Market trends
- Local market dynamics
- Disruptors in the market
- Competitors taking market share
- Losing key people
- Loss of focus of 'why we are here'
The need to adapt is ever-present - nothing is perfect - nothing lasts forever.
The way the Leadership of an organisation handles this truth is crucially important.
Organisations are always in Transition - even if they don't realise it's nature.
Transition starts with a QUESTION and leads to a PLAN
We offer consultation to the Leadership Team
- One to One consultation
- Leadership Team workshops
- Task Group faciliation
'So, how far
shall we go?'
The Transformation Agenda
Knowing that something has to be done is very different to deciding what it will be and what the organisation will look and feel like once it is completed.
- New business strategy for growth
- New business teams with clear targets
- Energised existing teams with new focus
This process of transformation is intense and has to be planned and executed in a careful way.
- Communication of purpose
- Calm, ordered progression
- Commitment to clear priorities
We offer:-
- Continuing one-to-one consultation and coaching
- Team facilitation on the key task in hand - avoiding diversions
- Reporting back on activity undertaken and likelihood of success in achieving desired goals
'Missing Piece'
Often making the change is such hard work that at the end a 'phew we did it!' reaction sets in. Making the change is not enough, integrating the procedures on which success of the change is dependent is not so 'dynamic' for the Leadership, but equally important for the success.
- Ensuring each unit / section / department has clarity of purpose
- Making roles and responsibilities of each individual clear and understood
- Systems are changed to embed the change of organisation
- Communication processes are created that support the on-going organisation
- Success is celebrated
We offer:-
- Departmental team events
- Company-wide events to embed the cultural change
- Evaluation processes to ensure the achievement of results
Our Approach
Professional and Experienced
- We know what it is like, because we have had to do similar jobs ourselves.
- We know that it is you who has the knowledge - we can provide the 'informed sounding board'.
- We know that it is you who has the accountability - we can provide a 'challenge of ideas'.
- We know that it is you who will be judged by the result - we can provide the 'process steps'.
Defined by:-
- Alignment of Interests
- Ability to handle the Irrational
- Clarity and Logical Steps
- Passion for Success
Our Development Agenda
Our core offer:-
- Commercial Development - Marketing and Sales
- Capability Development - People and Organisition
- Communication Development - Internal and External
Expertise and Areas
Industrial Distribution - EMEA
Component Manufacturing - Global
Charity Sector - sub-Saharan Africa
Education and Training - UK
Principal Associates